Brain cancer is on the rise because of EMF from cell phones and Wi-Fi. I have known several people that have died of brain cancer and they were all people who wore a blue tooth receiver on their ear all day.
Kids sit in front of a computer several hours a day. We have microwaves. EMF from television, lots of wireless connection. Then there are the ones you don't know about. High KVA cables running down the streets over our heads. Even the sun bombards us with EMF.
There is no way to get away from it except to go deep into the back woods without your phone or a radio.
EMF is not the only cause of cancer but it weakens and distorts the cells and allows other causes to take hold.
Hard to imagine us all walking around in metal suits (Faraday cages) dragging a ground wire behind us. Metal roofs and siding grounded to the earth are a good defense for outside influences but you would have to turn all your electronics off.