I have been reading studies that indicate 5mg/kg of Beta Glucan kills in muscles and brain, hard to get worms.
Who knew FenBen had a cofactor?
We now dose IVM in the AM, Dose FenBen PM.
Birthing keeps going higher and higher, unless kept in place with Papain and IVM.
Maximum startup first time that anyone has tolerated is about 8 days long at double dosing limit.
Some people do 15 to 30 days of single dose, the simulation tool says it is more useful to double or triple the dose, and do shorter duration.
The half life of Fenben is like 6 or 8 hours max, so the dose does not accumulate in the body.
Redose in 14 days if needed. FenBen is a drug where breaks are advised. Pulse it.
Selenium 600ucg for oxygen
I suggest multivitamin X2/D Now 3771.
I suggest B50 per day
I suggest 500mg Choline per day
I suggest 800IU of vitamin E per day
I suggest 2 source of life #3058 per day
I suggest 600ucg of selenium per day
nPPZ (natural piperazine) is essential for stopping movement.
Please read my naturals nematodea formula revision 6 document on the blog.
I suggest taking a break from FenBen, and doing a small run of Moxi, 1/5 dose for 5-8 days to kill eggs, and stop females from producing them. 1/5 dose is like 80ucg per day. This can be done up to 15 days strait with no problems. Beyond that people get sick. Redose monthly of single or double dose is ok.
Keep up with one dose of IVM per day to get lower colon birth mopup, and papain teaspoon in cranberry juice AM/PM to get lung/sinus/throat eggs, and upper GI.
Egg control is essential. You do not want new worms to take the place of the old ones.