when you fast you have converted you body into ketosis.... you are burning fat and protein debris from your body such as dead cells, tumours, cysts, and other nasties....
you body is using a superior fuel that helps with brain function and your body heals all its injures... AND BURNS FATTT!!! like nothing else. fat is its fuel and you body and brain function best on burnt fat.
NOW>>> when you RE-FEED your body... it is vital to feed it properly....
if you feed it an abundance of carbs, (fruit, grains, even dairy) you convert it back to using CARBS as its main fuel... it will store excess unused carbs in your body as fat, and store the fat as fat... its a loose-loose situation.
to remedy this you need to reach ketosis again. so fast for 3-4 days. get keto sticks from you chemist and measure you ketosis doing a pee on the stick.... you want high ketosis - dark purple...
after this, break you fast... with clear broth.... maybe a boiled egg (if you eat them)
you mainly don't want to KEEP that ketosis fat burning going.
SO don't have sugars, carbs and little protein.
you need your calories to be derived 80-90% from FAT!!!
so if you are on around 2400kcal per day then around 2040kcal of that needs to come form FAT only... the rest can be protein and carbs...
think mayo, cream, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, tahini, this will REALLy satisfy you and keep you feeling full
if this is too hard start with 60% fat from total cals,
then do a brief fast (it will take you quicker to reach high ketosis so check with you pee sticks) and the amp it up to 70%... then do it again until you are able to do 80%... this can take as long as you need it.
keep going like this and you will be lean and in the best health of you life..
your brain will be in optimum health and you will be staving of neural disease.
carbs are not an ideal source on energy... fat is the best source of energy.