I know this has been addressed a lot. In January, a lady was texting and hit me. My teeth in the front are now dying. I am holding on to them as long as I can, but I am in a lot of pain.
I have gone back and forth with holistic
root canals (if there is such a thing) and extraction, and bridges and implants for the last 7 months.
I have scoured so many resources that I am almost dizzy. In the end, it is clear to me that when the body wants to rid itself of a tooth, it will do it and will not accept (for long) any impostors.
On top of the health risks associate with root canals, almost everyone I know who had
root canals has had trouble. One lady had one done 4 times. Then they are extracted anyway.
Implants are tricky. They require CT scans (usually 3!) which give an incredible amount of radiation. Then yearly checkups to avoid the new diseases associated with them such as peri implant disease. They also hit the nerve up to 13% of the time! This can cause irreversible trigeminal neuralgia.
Partial dentures are also tricky as they are made with plastic, as are dentures. They are many people who feel their dentures are toxic and have led to a host of health troubles.
Bridges are difficult. They cause the adjacent teeth to have trouble often requiring
root canals on them!
In the end, I have decided to extract my two front teeth. This is a terrible decision I have to make just because someone had to text and drive, but I have very severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity which is disabling.
I am currently enrolled in school to learn Sign language and have hired a seam stress who is making for me some masks that I will wear in public.
My body does not want these teeth. It will not want plastic or ceramic or titanium. I react to almost anything these days. I have even awoken under anasthesia and have gone into seizures with blood draws. Last time I went to dentist, mercury removed caused three years of blood troubles to where they thought I had leukemia. The filling is composite but therma scan shows constant inflammation. My body just cannot tolerate most anything. Even before the wreck I could only eat about 5 foods.
I do feel the accident ended my life. It was very serious with many other injuries but the ones to my teeth are the ones that cause me most grief and pain. There is no help for those, no insurance, no support, no physical therapy. Not even kindness. When you lose front teeth, you are laughed at and scorned.
But so be it.
I took such good care of my teeth because of the MCS and then one dumb lady, and my life is over. But I know that I will not be able to tolerate anything else.
My gramma had no teeth and she was in no pain and was happy. Why have we lost that? She loved a long time, into her 90's and she had a non-plastic, old school denture that was not toxic. Why have we lost that?