Put yourself under the sheltering wings of the omnipresent spirit, which is also the indwelling spirit. The ineffable is ALWAYS present but we are not always PRESENT. This is why we are told by so many of the more profound teachers that there is no past and no future. There is only now and there will only ever be now and anything that happens will happen NOW. Of course you have heard that time is a river. Life is metaphor. Life is also a dream, until you wake up but... who is it that wakes up? What are you upon awakening? Are you what and who you were when you were dreaming and even when you think you have awakened, might you not still be asleep? We've all had those dreams where we thought we woke up, only to find out we were still dreaming.
There is no wonder that is like the wonder of the divine. Having had even a taste of it is enough to ruin your taste for everything else. We will leave you with these thoughts for the moment and the moment only occurs now.