Does anyone have any advice for pinworm infection that has resisted various methods of treatment. I have been fighting them for over three years at this point. I've tried dozens of meds (no exageration), cleanses, enemas, zapper, herbs to no avail. I'm currently just doing a salt water flush every morning (for two months) and it surprisingly has kept the symptoms down to minimal (even moreso than most other treatments)but I still have occasional itch daily. Also my two children occasionally become symptomatic and I treat them with ivermectin every month. This seems to subside their itching-although it does not work for me. I keep them on a low carb, almost no
Sugar diet but it's hard to keep a child eating only low starch veggies and no acidic foods. Any advice would greatly be appreciated... I'm losing my mind and my heart breaks for my children. please anyone help me!