I had three root canlled teeth on the front bottom teeth. I had them removed but this picture was prior to them being taken out. In the x ray i had had them for five years. Before getting root canals my teeth were vertically completely straight. Had them in for five years and i find it very strange and suspicious that the two bottom left side canaled teeth had completely been pushed and shifted to the left side. They also seemed to had risen a few milimeters. All my dentist and oral surgeon "see" was some Bone granulation when i had cavitation treatment to clean out the socket. But they definatly and totally missed something. mentioned this in another post on the cavitation forum that when i removed them for about two days i felt healthy and normal. I suffer with extreme and chronic fatigue dry mouth, leaky gut, etc. I know there is an issue in the jaw where the root canal teeth were. I had a CT scan done for the first time on my jaw today. Hopefully there will be some kind of findings. If not I would go on to get an MRI. Any suggestions on scans that would be effective in finding bone deformities/infections.
Pictures of the root canalled teeth :
You needed to go to a holistic dentist in the first place. If you had you wouldn't have gotten any root canals. Well the choice is yours, but they would let you know the problems they have.
When you remove teeth it is a good idea to replace the teeth with preferably non metal implants, or have a device made that you wear at night that keeps your teeth from shifting. This is what I did as the non metal implants were not perfected then.
I've never been to this dentist, but you can see that they provide holistic denistry, but all that you would need to have it done right. http://www.tmjdental.com/natural-holistic-dentistry/cavitations.aspx