Tolerating 25mg ALA doses in the early rounds is impressive! I'm jealous. I'm one of those who is sensitive to kicking up heavy metals HMs.
DMSA has the negative effect on neutrophils--a component of the immune system. I can understand that you would avoid regular use of it. However some people take various supplements and can tolerate a round with it every month or two.
DMPS does not have a reputation for having a negative effect on the immune system. The sickest members of the detox groups almost always prefer it to ALA or DMSA.
You are correct that DMSA and DMPS will move most of the HMs out into urine, unlike LA that will move most of the HMs out into stool via bile.
It is nice to use a combination of them. That is part of the attraction and effectiveness of Cutler's method. DMPS or DMSA are working in the blood stream to mop up mercury kicked up by lipoic acid in the organs, brain, etc.
There was a recent discussion of this in an autism support group. This is a post by one of the coauthors of Fight Autism and Win, a proud grandmother of a formerly autistic girl who is mainstreamed now in high school after years of mercury detox.