Because there are still people who are willing, perhaps even eager, to fight. And as long as there are people willing to fight, there will be people who are eager to utilize the energy for financial gain when competitive capitalism is the bottom line foundation of the social structure. In order to stop world war three we have to stop believing that we are slaves and realize that life was meant to be enjoyed.
This is a spiritual shift in perception that is being prevented by JudeoChristianity that is teaching people to work work work until Jesus comes, and then they will go to heaven. Jesus ain't coming back again because he got it right the first time. It is up to us to figure out how to get it right too. When we do, we can join him. That is what the creator has in mind for us all. Every last one of us. There is nothing to prevent the basic survival needs of everyone from being a given, with upgrades from that being based on capitalistic competition.
Perhaps those who are truly enlightened would do nothing but sit in samhadhi all day and do nothing for their entire lives. I say let them be. They are the creators and sustainers of all and everything that is. Most people will get bored with the rudimentary basics of existence, want to do something else, and be creative. They can ice the cake of existence with capitalistic competition. And it might be a good idea to keep sending those with a fondness for ruthlessness and insidious cut throat viciousness to war, and allow them to eliminate each other.
Seems to me there needs to be a prison camp forum on Cure Zone for the vicious mean spirited trolls. Take them out of the mainstream population and let them hack away at each other. But where to draw the line? Is it okay to hack away at a nebulous nameless faceless group of elite unknowns and blame them for the predicament we find ourselves in? What if all that energy were spent implementing solutions for the problems we are facing instead?
The world could easily be run by volunteers who are perfectly happy to have nothing more than the rudimentary basics of existence that are provided by nature unimpeded, if we could figure out how to remove the impediments. A progressive consumption tax would insure there are no taxes owed or paid by those who choose to exist at a survival level.