I'm just not sure if I'm actually healing or just stagnating . . .
I was experiencing depression, brain fog, fatigue, bloating etc, and got rid of most of that by cutting out grains and legumes.
Unfortunately, I still am sooooooo tired. I'll just need to sleep either after meals or sometimes in the middle of the day for no reason.
I don't bloat anymore after getting rid of grains and legumes so I don't really know if I'm actually reacting to the foods I eat still (meat, veg, some fruit).
My tongue is looking better (way less cracks), although it's still scalloped and white at the back.
I'm wondering if I'm just detoxing??? Someone suggested I may be allergic to FODMAPS, but I assumed I would at least get bloating from them (instead of just fatigue) if I was having trouble digesting them.
Any thoughts? How can one differentiate between detox and a
food allergy ?