After 5 years detox, I'm no longer vegan.
I went from mostly raw vegan, to now, mostly raw food (the addition being smoked salmon, which is dehydrated, not cooked.)
I went vegan when I had chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, because I couldn't digest meat.
It made me so tired.
Back then, I was low in alkalinity (my PH was 4.8, so I didn't have strong stomach acid).
My diet has changed since I started detox.
1. I learned that many frozen fruits and veggies were better quality than fresh (up north where I am).
2. I started as raw vegan- then eventually added cooked starches & lightly steamed veggies.
3. Now raw fish (smoked). It's a teeny piece daily (2"x3").
My benefits:
I eat far less. (My starches dropped to about half).
I'm perfectly satisfied for the 1st time ever :)
My goal has always been to eat what is available locally, and be self-sufficient.
(If all the trucks were to stop bringing food, I would eat what the natives did- berries, starches, veggies, and smoked meat).
Along with not bringing food, they also wouldn't bring supplements. The major problem is Vit. D, which I need to take year round.
Smoked salmon has it, but cooked doesn't. I go straight back into chronic fatigue without that vit D. My immunity just crashes!
Diet can be the most difficult part of transitioning to a detox lifestyle.
You can't copy someone else's diet. You have to experiment until you get it right.
And even when you finally feel great, your needs can change year to year!
I've had 7.2 PH for more than a year, and yet I've benefited so much from this change!