Im curious how effective one would be. It's different an xray and it seems like a good alternative to possibly finding a cavitation.
"A bone scan is a nuclear medicine test. This means that the procedure uses a very small amount of a radioactive substance, called a tracer. The tracer is injected into a vein. Areas where too much or too little tracer has been absorbed by the body may indicate cancer"
It supposedley picks up any abnormalities and possible infections in the bone. I know how terrible standard x rays are for finding cavitations.
A WBC(white blood cell) Scan also seems interesting in regards to finding jaw cavitations. They extract the white blood cells from your blood mix it with tracer, re-inject it and follow it to see where there there might be any increased white blood cell activity pointing to possible infections. I think these tests are good because many times a dentist or oral surgeoun simply believe you dont have any problems because they just dont see anything in xrays, mri's, and ct scans. But if a WBC scan or bone test do confirm some kind of activity you basically prove them wrong.
I know zilch about what you ask, but I recently come across a holistic dentist in bountiful Utah that does everything related to teeth. He has a cavitat scanner to find cavitaions as well as about anything else in teeth care, or repair.
He even installs non metal Implants. Click on the first link at the top for cavitations.
Would have been nice to know all this years ago when I had one.
Hi, incharge, what did you for it instead?
At the time there was a guy named Bob Jones who devised a machine that could see cavitations using Sonar.
My holistic dentist used it on me. This machine would bounce these signals off the jaw bone. If these was no bone it would send back a different signal.
Aetna Insurance took them to court over payment for this service and won.
My Dentist lost his dental licence in my state, and moved to Oregon.
Last I heard Bob Jones moved to Texas. Not sure about the status of the "Cavitat Machine"
Well here's a story as late as 2012