DXN Ganoderma provides help to the body through its wide range of nutraceuticals
(nutrients found in plants that have therapeutic properties).
Ganoderma is an "Adaptogen" and contains up to 400 different nutrients
( Dr Nilay Shah, International Symposium of Health, Canberra)
* DXN Ganoderma is Certified Organic and holds all the major certificates for Quality Assurance for Harvesting and Environmental Management in Manufacturing and Processing.
* It has Loyd's ISO certificates, GMP and Halal certificates.
* DXN Ganoderma is listed on the (TGA) Australian Therapeutic Goods Register.
( GL - Ganocelium ARTG L10084, RG - Reishi Gano ARTG L133404 )
"DXN Ganoderma can help the body to improve its overall well-being.”
(allowable Claim, Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods)
So - How does the body improve its overall well-being?
Firstly, no part of the body can be considered in isolation. Every part is linked to, and affects or is affected by, other parts.
Well-being is properly seen as overall health. This includes how you feel, how your body operates, how it handles stress and environmental threats such as over-acidity, viruses or cellular disorders, and how it develops though the various stages of life.
When Well-being requires improvement, your body is not operating properly, due to the above threats. These may have been encountered through poor nutrition, external factors of stress or exposure to radiation, chemicals etc.
It deals with these threats to its well-being, using inbuilt systems of immune defence, detoxification and rebuilding of cells. However, all these systems are made of cells and all of these cells require correct nutrition.
Ganoderma lucidum is a select plant that is loaded with a wide range of superior nutrition for the body cells. Some of the most important are:
Polysaccharides: Beta D-Glucan, FA, F1, D-6, A, B, C-2, D, G-A Betaglucan, G-Z
"Organic" Germanium (6000 ppm in the GL / Ganocelium capsules)
Anti-Oxidants (very high - around 23,000 I.U's.)
Vitamin C and B Vitamins + many other Vitamins,
Various Enzymes and Essential Fatty Acids
Minerals including
Selenium, Iron, Calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper, potassium
Complete Proteins and Glycoproteins,
110 Amino Acids - including ALL Esssential Amino Acids
Triterpenes and Triterpenoids - up to 137 types including six types of cytotoxic triterpenes. Some are active as antiviral agents against human immunodeficiency viruses.
Ganoderic acids: B, D, F, H, K, Mf, R, S, T-1O, Y
Ganodermadiol, Ganoderiol F, Ganodosterone,
Ganodermanontriol, Ganoderic acid B, Ganodermadiol,
Ganodelan A and B, Lanostan,
Lucidadiol, Lucidenic acid B, Applanoxidic acid G.
Plant Sterols, Ergosterol, Alkaloids, Nucleotides,
Lingzhi 8, Uridine, Urasil, Pantothenic acid,
Canthaxanthin, lipids, protein, fibre, carbohydrates, volotile oil,
B2 (Riboflavin),
Coumarin, Mannitol , Oleic Acid, RNA, Cyclooctosulphur
Rich in a number of complex phyto-chemicals; including Ergosterol, Ergosteroids, Fumaric acid, Aminoglucose and Lactones.
Ganoderma lucidum is the only known source of a group of triterpenes, known as ganoderic acids. It is a source of biologically active polysaccharides with presumed medicinal properties, and it also contains unsaturated fatty acids.
" Ganoderma Helps the body Improve overall Well Being"
Taking Ganoderma - How much?
The dosage is independent of the situation.
Each person simply finds the dose that works for them.
For Body Cleansing or Detoxification for the average Adult.
follow the 1, 2, 4, 6 RG and GL General Consumption Rule as follows:
1st week - 1 pair (1 RG and 1 GL)
2nd week - 2 pairs (2 RG and 2 GL)
3rd week - 4 pairs (4 RG and 4 GL)
4th week - 6 pairs (6 RG and 6 GL)