Best medical written book ever written about parasites used 1 herb to treat all mammals from the elephant to the pets…..1,000 copies printed for the eyes of the medical peers world wide---I chopped up 1 of those original 1,000 and scanned it into a file……
There are several great anti-parasite herbs such as wormseed oil and wormwood oil ----used as oils by medical 100+ years ago--preorganized ama power take over.
They use poisons. Ignorant humans buy vet products. Vets sale such things as lugol's iodine, but they also put wood alcohol in it so no human can use it---VETS don't care about the animals, because they are to be butchered fast anyway, so who cares if they give them poison type of college educated professional thinking.
SAME WITH DOG DE-WORMER, they use arsenic---again, they don't care if it kills the liver---more $$$ for the vet, same as medical thinking.
Ignorant people eat stuff that really ignorant horse people feed their poor horses and surely many use horse and dog de-wormer…..all extremely stupid ignorant people, because they could care less about it being toxic to their longevity.
HERBS don't kill worms, HERBS supply proper organic minerals to the blood stream and the 1957 Co-Q10 Theory scientist discovered the best explanation----even though they and later the japanese chose a wrong source to make their co-q10……….people seem to ignore that even as far back as 1957, american scientist would create a drug and then give that drug to JAPAN to mass produce for the world-------ANYONE that takes a look at JAPAN and all the $$$ and power american government gave them instantly after world war 2, would have to conclude that that war was FAKED by the world powers and was nothing but a scam to murder off all the strong men on all sides and CHINA the chosen country for mass slave labor long before world war 1.
LYMES WORMS have been killing all mammals world wide in every country for the past 300 years---------all biting bugs carry it and pass it on---social contact spreads it---all humans are born with it-------HERBS have always been the only answer that works.
AMAZINGLY after the ama was created as a branch of the military depopulation they systematically removed or otherwise bad mouthed those herbs in North America and today, many can not be found unless you go to the countries that use herbs as their medicines---on the other side of the earth….
What that means is having FAITH
Faith that if you wait, eventually the correct people WORLD WIDE APPEAR at the correct times in your life………
BOOKS are eye openers….once you BELIEVE then books become obsolete, because once you BELIEVE, then the correct people, correct paths all appear as they need to at the correct times……..
YOU CAN NOT SEARCH for correct answers anymore than you can search for the correct lifelong mate----because when you put "you" first, you always find the opposite of what you wanted----you must "TRUST" and then the world opens up and correct people find you..
WHEN paths open, take advantage of it and obtain LIFETIME SUPPLIES, because doors do not stay open for ever---you have more doors to go through and you have to satisfy that last door first……….
THAT IS WHAT DR HAY ORANGE JUICE FASTING AND FASTING IN GENERAL CAN LEAD TO-----------a time when the body and brain is not bogged down with mud……..a time when communication opens up world wide and YES, the internet enabled this old method once again……….
300,000 different parasites most likely want to return you to soil after they poop you out……….ignore their names and do daily prevention……
You need gallons, not 2 ounce bottles. I remember the day when clarkia use to sale a 2 ounce bottle and a clark book for $50 and people believed they had the cure for cancer……….what fools.
PREDATORS swarm the internet searching for daily victims.
This forum and the website made for it, i hope will fade away later this year when the website fees are no longer paid and they remove it and then this forum can die with it….those days will be in the past. Those that need such things, will still find their path.
All of life is STEPS and this forum was first a con that I fell victim to, but once I learned the truth, I did not let go of it because 2-3 great people yearly used this as their pathway…… e-mail will never change until the day i have no e-mail, so they can find that e-mail and receive same comments by e-mail as any forum could offer.
There are too many con men on the internet…..for every 2 good people, there are 98 bad people of people just wanting to rob you of your time and the older you become, you realize each minute is valuable…..