Boron is a mineral sometimes discussed and recommended on this forum. I didn't know it was required for magnesium absorption until reading this.
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
Boron is an essential mineral for:
Bone growth, maintenance and repair
Wound haling
Regulation of Estriol and testosterone
Prevention of vitamin D deficiency!
Absorption of magnesium!
Reducing all inflammation
Reduce arthritis
Reducing toxic effects of heavy metals
--lung, cervix, prostate, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Reducing toxicity of chemotherapy
Increasing antioxidant capacity
Enhancing memory and cognition
Recommended daily intake: Boron
Adults up to 130 pounds-9 mg daily
140 pounds and up 12 mg daily
Nothing Boring about Boron, by Lara Pizzorno, Integrative Medicine, August, 2015, vol.14, 35-48
Also from:
Next up boron has been known to help with the painful condition known as arthritis. In the Journal of Nutritional Medicine there was a study involving 20 patients. Half of the patients were given 6 mg a day of boron, while the other group was only given a placebo. The result was that five of the 10 people that took boron experienced positive results, while only 1 person in the placebo group had improved arthritis symptoms.
Next up boron is used by the brain to help people with thinking, solving puzzles and remembering names. According to the United States Department of Agriculture in Grand Forks North Dakota 3 clinical studies confirm that low levels of boron contribute to a lower brain frequency activity. Boron was also shown to improve things such as attention, eye-hand coordination, short and long term memory.