I think the reason medical avoids the parasite subject is that so many humans will literally FREAK OUT the moment they believe they have a worm.
mentally worms are not something kids were raised to understand about and the subject scares them.
Some parasite videos, those done by surgeons, etc. can literally make the best of people have disgust as they see the worms being pulled out of people's brains, heart, etc.
Better out than in, but still tough subject for the squeamish
People want to believe they can locate the so called "naturopath" doctor and get a safe opinion and alternative products……….and don't stop to realize those folks are licensed and have to follow their school/state rules and that basically ends up meaning the customer is ripped off once again and leave with empty pockets and just as many worms as they started with.
When it comes to worms / parasites, diseases I truly don't believe people are going to find 1 medical person in today;s time that knows or even if they do know, they are clueless how to get rid of the situation.
There are endless medical college books explaining worms, but not one that explains the cure….not one……..they may explain take a poison such as arsenic to kill the beast and end up with damaged organs and the worms quick to return……..
One professional book was printed about 100 years ago and 1,000 copies sent world wide for peer review….that book suggest all mammals have worms and the book disguised as a zoo health book, but inside you soon see it was about humans the most….and they used herbs, no drugs, no poisons and soon after that book circulated american sources started removing the herbs and today in north america the main herb has not been available for many years----that is what organized criminals in the health field/colleges do…..they eliminate the sources to control the market and in this case, the market is how people live and die.
ALL good herbs are going to be anti-parasite, just as are ALL good foods are………….while all bad foods are pro parasite. So to insure sickness and premature death, the colleges/gov controls all education and makes sure people are raised on pro cancer diet and all doctors, even the dentist all trained to specialize in pro cancer treatments---(in my opinion)
ONCE the person believes they can feel the worms crawling through their stomachs, their colon, their legs, their brain, their skin---they are easy victim and buy everything their naturopath has to offer..
PRODUCTS even good products, can't be more than 1/6th the solution with total health and those selling all the bad products never ever ever ever try to explain the rest of the story---their sole purpose in life is to make the daily sales and that is what makes most all internet websites and forums "bad" for those in search of answers……….and why for many years I have suggested most anyone can waste 20 years and $20,000 on false products/books and you are lucky if you find enough good sources to survive your search adventure
99% chance you will find bad products on any and all internet searches------just a sad fact of life.