You have found a good zapper. Antonio makes good products ( possibly not quite as good as ParaZapper but likely better than anything else ).
It is very similar to the ParaZapper 6-pack, including accuracy. The 6-Pack is only $109 in comparison.
His product is well built and well designed.
I would certainly not want a zapper that was higher 1 percent accuracy although the MY is 0.05 percent accuracy which is about 20 times better and has 25 modes and over 270 frequencies. The MY is also a good bit more expensive but when you are looking for the best, ...
You were looking for the best anti-fungal frequency, which I believe is probably 464 - 465 Hz although there are others.
On the MY-3, there are many anti-fungal frequencies found in Modes 3,4,6,8, and 18-A. You might check those frequencies as a reference but those are not the only ones.
I also find that pure 50 percent duty cycle square waves is absolutely the best.