A bone density problem at age 43 was the big tip. I also developed ADD that I clearly did not have as a kid.
I've posted details previously.
@ 1.5 yrs detox (DMSA + ALA, Cutler's dosing protocol)
On mood
Recent update
Discussion of my prechelation hair test. I will order another one this evening. Eventually I'll get around to posting the series of tests. My hair tests at 1 yr detox reported cadmiun in the red. At 1.5 yrs of detox lead was in the red.
I don't know if we "dump lead." My understanding is that it gets stored in bone and gradually gets released to provide an ongoing source of the poison.
DMSA is good for removing lead. This was a study on autistic kids.
Results of DMSA Treatment Study, James Adams,et al
Conclusions - benefits
•DMSA greatly increases excretion of lead, and some increase in excretion of tin, mercury,thallium.
•1 round of DMSA dramatically normalized glutathione levels for at least 1-2 months, and helped normalize platelet levels (marker of inflammation) for at least 4 months
•Severity of Autism Scale. Significant improvement in both groups
Many autistic kids get gains from HM detox.
"Detox. (chelation)" 74% report "got better", 3% report "got worse", 23% report "no effect"
The 74% rating is the best of the many dozens of listed interventions.
I have more fatigue, brain fog, and lethargy while on round (typically 3 days). It is hard to be productive; however, the side effects are dose dependent.
For example, last weekend I was scheduled to work but also wanted to do a round of detox. I hadn't done one in a couple of weeks. So I just lowered the dose to one that causes very low side effects. I also know that several supplements tend to help with the side effects so I took extra.
I asked someone at work who has known me for many years to comment on my performance while on round. He did not notice a difference. I felt fine and had adequate physical and mental energy. My mood was pleasant and friendly. However I did feel more fatigued by the end of the day.
Side effects from detox vary from person to person. A few people actually feel better in some ways while on round. Some have a mixture of side effects and benefits. For example, a close friend has more of the fatigue and brain fog but she also sleeps better.