First time post for me. I have had nothing but water for 7 days now. This is intended to be a weight loss catalysis and overall health detox. I will break the fast with juice then smoothies then soft foods and so on.
I have fasted before but usually I don't use the restroom for bowel Movements.
I have had a BM every single day! They are small but they are very wet, brownish yellow and greasy or oily looking and essentially stain the toilet. Like you flush, But you see that yellow tint of where you went.
was I that unhealthy or is something else going on? Every forum I have read or fasting support/fact site says BM stops within a few days and then every once in a while you might have one here or there.
Just wanted some feed back and to know if anyone else has experienced this.
Any comments and feedback is appreciated, thanks guys!