Do you think he is mentally ill, or telling the truth about being groomed for great things and being offered a bunker and running for office and all?
First of all, Simon Parkes is a politician, a category of people that are quite well known for lyin' through their teeth.
Secondly, he says he's no researcher - that's not his thing. So, where does he get his information from?
Thridly, a member of an Illuminati family - father was a high-level mason. Mother was working for the NSA. So yeah, surely people were looking to have him do his part (which he is still a part of being involved in, imo).
Fourth, by his own admission he has been a Milab abductee - subjected to MK-Ultra mind control programming. He believes his real father is a Reptilian, and his real mother is a Mantid being. He claims to have had intercourse with a semi-physical Feline from Sirius and has produced a child named Zarka as a consequence from this encounter. He believes he has a soul that is made up of 1/3 Mantid / Mantis being, 1/3 Reptilian & 1/3 Human being. He doesn't know this for himself, but admits that this is what he's been told to him by others. Yes, 'Synthetic Telepathy' is very real covert technology. I don't think he really knows anything of which he speaks of or claims. He simply repeats information / misinformation or whatever has been fed into him - a brainwashed individual by the likes of the NSA, CIA, U.S. Military / British covert operations that are implanting tracking devices (that are touted as being "Alien Implants") & running technology experiments on a mass of individuals. Lots of people have been f*cked with. I'm sure you've seen this video interview.
Certainly, Simon, believes he is above & beyond all the programming that's been done to him. Fat chance!
You asked if I thought he is mentally ill?
That is quite a subjective matter. As the way I see it... The only individuals that are not mentally ill are those that have totally transcended the mind & all the symptoms that come with having a mind that is imbalanced / psychotic / insane.
To a large degree, many abductees become elevated into spiritual-guru-like situation by the people that are amazed by the lectures they give relating their experience(s) - to a gullible crowd of believers. Simon Parkes is one of these people where a kind of 'cult' has formed around him.