Hello, Please I ask that all of you who are going through this trial in your life will please stop for a sec and listen to what I have to say. I used to go through this same problem, stressing about an "odor" that I was so sure I had. It all started last year.. I was looking at everyone's face whenever they passed by to see if they would rub their nose or make a disgusted face expression. Also, I'd spend ALL my time to look online for "cures" and for "breakthroughs" and it was only making me more and more depressed. People.. If you've been on this forum for years or months or even days looking for a breakthrough, PLEASE stop. You've been looking in the wrong places like I was, until I found my breakthrough by being in the presence of GOD. I'm telling you, he's real and he hears your cry, he's waiting for you to drop what your doing and cry out to him. Crying out to him, praying more than ever, asking him for the strength to make it through another day, fasting and praying, letting go of things in the past. There were times when I doubted if I could ever get better, they were, but I never gave up and that's true success. Man the JOY that I had in my heart knowing that he feels what I feel, knowing that he cares SOO much for me that he'll send his ONLY son to die for the redemption of my sins so that I can repent and our bond will be connected. MAN y'all missing out about the GOODNESS of GOD, because he's the REAL breakthrough. I pray that the Salvaion of Christ will stretch into all those who read this make it to the end, I know it's log but hey, that's my testimony, I pray that you seek him because he's waiting on you to cry and cast ALL YOUR cares unto him. May the PEACE of GOD be with you, and may his HIS grace be upon you while reading it. He'll take you places you've never thought of going and I BELIEVE, Thad why I'm sharing it with you so you'd believe. My neighbors, stay blessed and I hope that you turn to GOD because he's the REAL breakthrough. Amen