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My story.
Forum: Body Odor Forum  


Hello guys... it´s been a while I surf on this website, it´s about time I share my story and maybe find some insights.

About 1 year ago I was living in the US. I am from South America, and have never had issues with Body Odor before. I moved to the US and I had 2 jobs, also studied. I worked as a waitress in a pizza place, and dishwashed for extra money in another restaurant. I was eating very very badly for 1 year... when this started. I ate pizza day and night, burgers or whatever I could in between my shifts. As if that was not enough, I partied a lot, and that includes drugs and 48hours of no sleep. I´m also a smoker, not heavy one. I was taking thermogenics to keep the energy and put up with 2 jobs and school...In a year, I lost 40 pounds.

In the beginning, I noticed from time to time people would react to my bad breath, but it wasn´t that constant. After a while, I´ve heard comments about a fishy odour.. it would happen only when I was partying and doing drugs. Every time I pushed my body to it´s limit.
After 4 months of this happening every single time I partied and would end up and someone´s house, the comments at work started. I was a popular girl at both my jobs, made friends with every single person from the staff. A couple of times people mentioned something smelled like shit. I had no idea it was me.

In about 6 months, it got worse. It was still intermitent, I believe the bad breath was more often than the Body Odor . I came back to my country and at the time I thought I had some kind of STD. I got tested for everything, and it came back negative. I did have some discharge at the time so I took Antibiotics , and it did the trick for a while. Back in my country I decided not to party as much, but a couple of times that I did, the smell would happen after some time I was either drinking or doing whatever. But it would mainly happen if I did drugs. By the end of 2015, I went to a party with some friends and the day before I had my hair straightened with very strong chemicals, which probably attacked my liver. I felt very sick at the party, and spend the next 3 days with a severe pain on my liver and throwing up a lot. After that day, my smell got incredibly worse.

I started my research about it and finally found out about TMAU.. I was reluctant, but on January 4th, my nightmare became a reality when I found out that people actually suffered from fishy and fecal Body Odor . My stress and anxiety levels became so high, I got my period the next day even on the pill, and had it for 20 days straight... Also, I started finally noticing very bad reactions since January.

The funny thing is I have a job in my country and before January, I even got promoted with lots of compliments... I heard a couple of comments before about my BB but it wasn´t constant and people acted normal around me. After January, my life became hell.

I´ve told my entire family, my boss, my coworkers and some friends. Of course my coworkers denied, and the weird thing is they are always close to me, they sit near me even when they don´t have to, they ask me to be around them... My boss was very respectful. She said she never smelled anything.

We´re in March 2016 and even with the low choline diet, DMB protocol (red wine, olive oil and balsamic), B2 and chlorella, my smell seem to get worse every month. I can now smell my self more often but what I smell is not the same as people do. When I started the diet I had this weird sewage or wet dsog smell on my nose 24/7. Now with resveratrol, it´s gone.

I have considered a candida infection, or some fungus, maybe because of my clothes being constantly wet at my dishwashing job, maybe something I caught by being in touch with food eaten by other people, I don´t know. I also have Sugar cravings, and although I exercise and diet, it´s been really hard to lose weight (I´m overweight).

My family really can´t smell me, and it´s weird because I didn´t have the issue before I left for the US, and I they didn´t see me for 2 years. I have family meeting every weekend and no one touches their noses, sneeze or cough.

I have a thyroid atrophy so my metabolism is slow. I also pee a lot. My bladder can´t hold much. I used to go every day for number 2 but lately, I don´t go for days... like 5 days, 3 days...

It´s weird because some of my friends still call me to go out even if they smelled me (they didn´t tell me but I heard comments) at other times...

I´m terrified. Customers of where I work are starting to make comments. I´ve recently started taking resveratrol, and it made my smell horrendously worse for a week. Now it seems to be better. Except for today... since I got my period. I don´t believe I have primary TMAU, maybe secondary. So far, all my tests came back normal, blood tests, colonoscopy. I´m waiting on my endoscopy results.

Recently I met a girl who smelled terribly and she filled the whole place I was at with her smell. That day I found out how powerful a smell can be... I had no idea people could maybe smell me from the other side of the street.

I´m not gonna give up... at least until I have my sanity back. I don´t care as much about the smell as long as I am emotionally strong.
I will update this post as I get more results.. :)


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