but .14 milliamps at a very low frequency of AC also kills all microbes circulating in the blood, and without any bad side effects other than leaving dead microbes as a type of trash in the blood that the lever has to filter out. And at infected sites of the body large electrodes can be applied and the current turned up to maintain an effective current density to kill the microbes there. (ie: using a Beck blood electrifier)
I've read too much indicting that silver is not a very good alternative to
Antibiotics . take these for example:
Metallic silver is listed in the 1979 Registry of Toxic Effects as causing cancer in animals.
Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of
Colloidal Silver ,
Dermatology Online Journal 2005; 11 (1): 12
“Over the last few decades, there have been several reported problems associated with silver ingestion, including intestinal ulcers and argyria.”
HEALTH & CONSUMER PROTECTION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL, Opinion On Toxicological Data on Coloring Agents for Medicinal Products: E 174 Silver, pages 6-8.
“In man, the toxic effects of silver can be divided into acute and chronic effects. Therapeutic IV administration of 50 mg or more is lethal, provoking pulmonary edema, hemorrhage, and necrosis of the bone marrow, liver, and kidneys (Fowler and Nordberrg, 1986). Repeated exposure to silver salts or
Colloidal Silver causes argyria, a deep blue-gray discoloration of the skin (particularly evident in sun-exposed areas) and gums caused by deposits of silver sulfate or metallic silver (Greene and Su, 1987; US Department of Health and Human Services, 1990.). Apart from the direct effects of these deposits, the discoloration is also due to silver-induced stimulation of the melanocytes leading to an increased production of melanin (Fung and Bowen, 1996). Argyria also involves the tissues of the eyes (cornea and anterior lens capsule), the respiratory system, the liver, and the kidneys (Fowler and Nordberg, 1986). Silver deposits can also result in neurologic deficits. Westhofen and Schafer (1986) reported the case of a 55-year-old woman who developed progressive hypogeusia, hyposmia, vertigo, cutaneous hypoesthesia, and weakness after 9 years of self-administered silver salts to treat oral mycosis. Subsequent examinations of this patient revealed silver sulfate deposits in the perineuria of peripheral nerves, as well as in the basal membranes, macrophages, elastic fibers, and muscle fibers. Topical application of silver in man also causes immune system changes with leukopenia secondary to bone-marrow
Depression (Caffee and Bingham, 1982).”