:) I figured merc or lyme toxins.
Granted I haven't been solid with my salt intake, but last 2 days I got up to lymephotos levels....since I felt pressure this morning I thought I would lean more towards mercury?
Full Moon, Medieval:Chaste, Celtic:Moon of Winds, NeoPagan:Death Moon, 2016 Mar 23 12:01 Universal Time pagancalendar.co.uk
Good Friday is the last major Church event based on the Moon calendar.. and this moon is on that Wednesday.. which is also the MAIN Lyme flare up of the year.
Past couple years .. Noticed it -lymies & friends "more" so" on the 2 major moons, usually hits me week or a couple days before, so I've been prepared ! Cheers everyone, Like Ozzy says, (I) "We Love you all !!!
3 months of chelating and rifing frequently and no end in sight.
I was hoping I got most of them and kill the rest when they come out of hiding, perhaps I have been too optimistic.
Just read old post of yours that mycoplasma creates toxins removable with salt as well.
That could explain my headaches from running mycoplasma_gen too long, maybe even the coinciding onset insomnia?
It's weird...from memory I can fall asleep better during lyme flarups and often not as well when my brain is turned on again. More salt and experimentation will show :)