~~ I have been suffering for years. Came across some information whilte doing research It seems to be a Fungal Infection of the Hair Follicles called Trichomycoses or Dermatomycosis.
I also found a Dr. Karjoo in California that treats Morgellons look up mogellonsmedicalcenter
~~Dr. R. Karjoo, since the early 90s, knew the cause of this Perforating Dermatosis. It can result when a silicon injection, or device such as pacemakers, joint repair, breast implants, silicon mesh of a hernia or bladder repair, or silicon catheter of renal dialysis, or any other long term catheter, is inserted into the body. Dr. Karjoo refers to these as endogenous causes. All others are exogenous causes, which result from the use of numerous products such as skin cosmetics, shampoo, fertilizer, pesticides (RED facts reference from the Environmental Protection Agency); pharmacological products such as vitamins contain silicon silica. There are also hundreds of food items that contain silicon silica for preservation. These are the exogenous causes that contain silicon silica.
~~The diagnosis of these lesions is Granlomatous Perforating Dermatosis of skin. It is a known diagnosis for textbook dermatology and medical dictionaries. A diagnosis is made by taking a shave biopsy, examination under a microscope and can be diagnosed by a dermatologist or pathologist
Also research ~What is perforating MEMO
Perforating dermatosis is a general term for
skin lesions resulting from epidermal excretion
of decomposed skin components. Diseases
that cause perforating dermatosis are
elastosis perforans serpiginosa (elastic fibers
are excreted), Kyrle’s disease (keratin fibers
are excreted), perforating folliculitis (follicular
components are excreted), and reactive
perforating collagenosis (collagen fibers are
excreted). These diseases tend to occur in
patients with chronic renal failure. Epidermal
excretion of decomposed skin components
may be seen in some cases of granuloma
I have been suffering for over 3 years. I have scars everywhere from lesions, blurred vision, heart pains, constant headaches and body aches. Life has been complete hell.
I am not cured yet but on my way now that I have found all this information. Just visitied a Dr where she told me the fibers are not under my skin they are in my environment or on my clothing. Most of you that know they are under the skin know how frustrating that is when you are looked at like you're crazy. She rolled her eyes at me and knodded her head in disgust as if I were insane. Although I was offended I made that the driving force to educate myself and fill my head with knowledge rather than hide in a corner and cry. No one other than a person that suffers with this can understand how awful this feels and I hope if I can just give one person hope and help them with this information. Good Luck to you all