Weight gain and stones = hypothyroid.
You will be able to bypass a lot of these lower level things you're working on by raising body temperature. A lot of these problems are downstream from endocrine problems.
- I do have low stomach acid. I'm starting to use digestive enzymes with and without HCL. Do you happen to know if I need HCL with all types of food, or is that only for protein and/or fat?
Mainly for protein meals. The way to find the right dose is start low and keep upping the dose until you feel *slight* burn in the stomach, then back off a little bit and viola there is your correct dose. I personally think there are better ways to raise hcl levels, more on that later. But if you have seriously low hcl then betaine hcl is good to jumpstart the system.
- I do have bacterial infection in my gut. I'm starting on allimed, diatomaceous earth, and colostrum throughout the day.
Allimed? is it garlic? Just eat raw garlic. Always source from foods over pills if it is possible. DE is good, but doesn't work for everyone. Collostrum may help, make sure to get a certified raw brand. Nothing is a sure bet though, and don't count on anything working. The only things that work are the things that solve your problem.
I plan to then add in uva ursi, olive leaf, maybe some pau d'arco, plant tannins, and tons of fermented foods (though those foods are acidic and bothering my esophagus). I can't handle
Wormwood - I had a dangerous reaction to it.
Any thoughts on the above?
Did someone say tannins? You are the only person I ran into that is using tannins aside from myself - they hit way above their weight class.
A lot of your strategy is killing things, which is sometimes necessary, but you would be better off looking at the bigger picture and restoring balance and your immune system. Zinc, for example, can do everything you are attempting to do, and a whole lot more. Same for sulfur.
Get a hair mineral test.
Don't eat anything that causes you pain.
Prebiotics are better than probiotics. Cooked onions and fennel.
- Thyroid tests good, but I haven't checked my underarm temperature in years. I'll check it.
Tests are worthless. You are most likely hypo. Get a cheapo oral thermometer and take your temp as soon as you wake up.
Andreas Moritz said that malic acid in capsule form won't work and you need to take it in liquid. Do you feel I still would get some good out of it with a capsule and plenty of water?
Cooked apples.
- I do already drink a ton of water regularly, so that's not been a cause.
Did you read what I wrote? I said anything that makes you feel hydrated. Excess water drinking can dehydrate people by diluting electrolytes. It can also be contributing to your hypochlorhydria. If water feels good keep on it, if you are doing it because the internet told you then rethink your strategy.
- I take a LOT of magnesium chelate (like 1200 mg a day) but I do it in two doses. I can split it up. Still my tests show I'm low in it but I can't take more orally because of diarrhea.
Which chelate? A good chelate will not cause loose stool. Try a different brand. 1200 is not necessarily too much. Look for orotate, glycinate or 'food state' magnesium.
- Will beet powder be effective rather than beet juice?
- Lately I see to get fatigued from eggs, and I read eggs can be a gallstone attack trigger. What are your thoughts?
Eggs are a known trigger for gallbladder disease and pancreatitis. They are also one of the top allergen foods along with peanuts, gluten, tree nuts, etc.
- Apple juice is too sweet for me. I need to be on a low or no
Sugar diet because of insulin resistance and gut problems. The cola is acidic and not great for me. I'm thinking about buying the Ortho Phosphoric Acid and putting it in capsules to bypass the esophagus.
Now you're getting closer to the root causes. Low
Sugar diets work long term only for certain body types. Proper flora feed on sugars. I think you need to form a new strategy, otherwise you will suffer for year until you learn what is driving your illness.
For the same reason I've been needing to avoid fruit, including apples for at least a few weeks while I try to bring down the gut bacteria, but later I can add granny smith apples daily and cook them.
Your diet is too restrictive. I have never seen anyone stay with restrictive diets long term. Eventually the body has you eat what it wants.
Human beings are
Sugar machines. You need to get your sugar from fruits, starch vegetables, or grains. Some rare people are able to stay in ketosis and bun fat. Protein can be burned via gluconeogenesis but it is the least efficient fuel, and eventually you will get sick from it.
So you need to find a way to eat carbohydrates without them causing you pain. Your mucosa depends on polysachararides to keep healthy, your flora depend on sugar so that they do not turn pathogenic, your liver depends on sugars to store glycogen, your brain runs on sugar.
Don't make any assumptions about fruit unless you have bad reactions to all fruits, likewise tubers and grains. Ferment your grains like they did thousands of years ago.
Find your dosha (bodytype) in ayurveda and see if that helps.
Start taking chelated chromium or piccolinate and vanadium for insulin problems and the herb gymnema, and turmeric, and/or high quality brewer's yeast supplement.