Couple of suggestions.
The reason only morning and night might be because you are a mouth breather while sleeping which would dry the throat.
One cause of that is sleep apnea.
Before you seek help I would try to gargle with an OZ, or 2 of colloidal Silver throught the day. If it persists it might be time to seek help.
The CS will heal any infection, but not SA.
Does sleep apnea go hand to hand with adrenal fatigue ?
I don't know. What I've read about it is that it has something to do with Sagging in the throat tissues which cuts off the air while sleeping.
I have had it, and the solution is a CPAP machine. You wear a mask that's attached to a machine that forces air down your throat.
I tried it one night and ended up tearing the mask off and breaking the tube that goes to the mask.
I haven't had sore throats, but often wake up during the night. [That's more to pee than breathing] A dental appliance that keeps me from grinding my teeth seems to help. Maybe allowing more air to go down the throat.