Don't waste your money on a stool test. And don't waste your time with a Dr. who recommends one. The stool test will tell you nothing. A Dr. who recommends one doesn't have the experience to treat parasites. You have the physical evidence that you have parasites. Treat them aggressively with an herbal formula, diatomacous earth, something to destroy the bio-film, and a purgative . Do
colonics and/or enemas on a regular basis. Time your treatments with the moon cycles and do them for at least 3 months after you have seen the last parasite. Don't let a Dr. tell you that they have drugs that will cure you in a few days. Complete BS.
If a Dr. prescribes albendazole at $100/pill, order mebendazole off the internet. It used to be the standard treatment until Big Pharma decided to make more money and it was 'mysteriously' withdrawn from the US. It is an over the counter drug in other countries.
Try googling Dr. Andreas Kalcker and look at his protocol.
Good luck. Your health will improve once you get rid of the parasites.