One of the common symptoms of RA and psoriatic arthritis happens to be chronic fungal infections or candida symptoms. Candida doesn't "cause" RA. The auto-immune disorder causes candida. This can present as fungal skin infections, fingernail and toenail fungal infections, and intolerance to sugar products, dairy, and any other starch or sugar-producing food source.
It may be a very wise option to have labs run to determine inflammation factors and RA factors, particularly during a flare. Some auto-immune disorders that fall under the category of "arthritis" are very, very difficult to diagnose simply because most of them present similar symptoms. It took me almost 5 years to determine what types of auto-immune disorders I had through trial and error and processes of elimination.
Although I understand the hesitancy to consult medical providers, it can be disasterous to attempt self-diagnosis and treatment. If a condition is diagnosed, then moving on to management becomes a series of personal choices and options.
Data has illuminated numerous "causes" of Rheumatoid Arthritis, as well as other non-infective auto-immune diseases. Two very common threads are gender (female 3:1) and long-term childhood non-injurious trauma.
The data is staggering. Some of the identifiable contributing factors for RA are:
* smoking
* long-term emotional / physical / sexual childhood abuse
* DNA flags
* Vitamin D deficiency
* Oral contraceptives & hormone "therapy"
No single thing can be attributed to the onset and diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, and no single therapy (allopathic OR holistic) "cures" this debilitating condition. Management of symptoms is the best that we can do and the following contributes to pain and symptom management:
* balanced diet and nutrition - obtaining nutrients from safe food sources (local produce and meats)
* low-impact physical activity - swimming, walking, tai chi, yoga
* strong attention to emotional and mental health - managing past traumas and processing issues in a safe, healthy manner - attending to calm and balance
* smoking cessation
There are approximately 63 diseases that fall under the category of "arthritis." RA can present in patients as young as 12 months. There is no "cure" for RA and most of the rest of the progressive arthritis conditions - once damage has occurred, it cannot be undone or "fixed."
As much as I would love for someone to point to one defining factor in my RA and psoriatic arthritis development, I can say that what "caused" these diseases doesn't matter, one iota. How I manage them on a daily basis does.
As a strict aside, fresh pineapple is a superb natural anti-inflammatory, along with tart cherries. I'm talking about actual foods, not the extracts - extracts are refined and may (or, may not) be overprocessed to the point that all other nutrients in the food sources aren't present. Just as each organ and gland are separate "entities" in our own bodies, yet work together as a whole organism, SO do the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins work together in foods.
Best wishes to you.