Hello everyone, I started a 30 day combination fast last January 4, 2016..Im on my 4th day now of soft dry fasting. Its suppose to be a 14 day dry fast but I suddenly got a training so Im cutting it off into a 5.5day dry fast and continue the
Water Fast to complete the 30 day goal..
I dont consider myself a newbie to fasting since I already tried 6day fast before. After I got my Nursing licence I started a 3day dry fast one day eating and 3day fast again but I always landed at the Er..I then realize I was not breaking the fast good.
I Don't have any knowledge about fasting but I learned how to do it by experience and from church.. So now Im taking longer days for weight loss purposes.. I started 89kg and after 4days im 85.5 that is 2.2 lbs a day but I jave to hold it as much as possible to keep the weight off officially..
I never thought other people do this but im happy I found this forum. If you have any inputs please do message me. My Goal is to drop to 58-60kg in 3months Ive done this goal before and was succesful so I know I can do it now with longer fasting..