DMSA has a reputation for being tough on the immune system, especially neutrophils. For that reason and others, some people just take it monthly.
For example
Results of DMSA Treatment Study, James Adams,et al
Conclusions - benefits
•DMSA greatly increases excretion of lead, and some increase in excretion of tin, mercury,thallium.
•1 round of DMSA dramatically normalized glutathione levels for at least 1-2 months, and helped normalize platelet levels (marker of inflammation) for at least 4 months
•Severity of Autism Scale. Significant improvement in both groups
I've used DMSA for my lead problem for 5 years. Lead comes out of bone very slowly and I had a big enough problem that I had a bone density problem in my 40s and a list of other problems consistent with it, cadmium, maybe along with some Hg.
Until this past year I had to be very careful in the Winter to not take DMSA when I was starting to get a cold. If I started taking DMSA my sniffles would quickly develop into a full blown cold.
Zn lozgenes have been helpful in the past year.
DMPS is nice when a person has Hg or As problem; however, it and DMSA work in the blood stream, not in the brain and organs.
In contrast lipoic acid can get across the bbb and into organs. Of course this makes LA more powerful and more dangerous since if used incorrectly. you can end up moving more Hg into the brain and organs as seen in the treated mice in the Gregus study. A Cutler comments here.
Notice that the DHLA is a dithiol with SH groups position to bind better with Hg than single thiols such as cysteine in chlorella.