Thank you so much for your help!
I'm still unsure if a gallbladder cleanse will get my bowels moving.I've been reading that the bowels need to be cleansed before attempting a flush.
Dr ordered a hida scan for tomorrow morning to check my gallbladder function. The ultrasound showed stones he didn't say if there were a lot of stones. I feel like cancelling it bc I don't want to get all that radiation and if my bowels aren't working it means the radioactive material will stay inside me. Also bc of other chronic inflammation and pain in my neck/throat. I was reading that an mri can be used instead. I reacted badly to a swallow study my hair fell out in handfulls every day for an entire month. It's not my hair that concerns me but more bc I found out salivary gland cancer is caused by radiation. It's a long story but I have lumps in the floor of my mouth and I'm taking a rainforest herb called Jatoba that seems to be shrinking them :) Also I should add that DE is something I should've continued. I only used it a few times and the bones in my neck stopped popping so much its,helping some of my neck pain.
Epsom Salts I tried a little bit and did not help but now I read this. Do you or anyone else know if this is true or why they say this, that it shouldn't be usd when there's a bowel obstruction?
I do have a lot of kidney pain on right kidney my chiropractor had seen a white spot in the ureter possibly a stone.this was about a month ago. The radiologist isn't sure if it's in the GI tract.
Maybe the dr thinks taking out my gallbladder will make my bowels work Im not sure what he's thinking. They usually don't explain too much. Although I brought up the fact that I can't have a bowel movement. He wanted me to eat something with fiber on the first visit and prescribed it for me, he said that if I'm not eating my gallbladder won't function properly.
Do you or someone else here know if a hida scan would actually help him figure out if or why my bowels are obstructed? He was going to order a regular cat scan but I'm not sure if it's to check my pancreas or look for an obstruction.
I can't believe that even a tablespoonof olive oil is making my gallbladder and pancreas hurt. I don't mind the pain that much as long as it's part of the healing process to get all my stones out. hopefully something will work out for me.
I need to become more knowledgeable about the different types of flushes and what to expect or what would be the right thing to do incase a stone gets stuck.
Sorry I was forgetting to mention that my amylase enzymes went lower dr thinks it's bc of the digestive enzymes. Also my lipase,was fine. I was fasting which was probably the reason why they came out better.
Thank you so much and I'm so sorry for asking so many questions. Im feeling overwhelmed. I keep wondering if I ended up causing this by taking digestive enzymes and the Colon cleansing herbs or the Slippery elm close to eating homemade beans. I was eating a lot of peppers and garlic cilantro onions.
Would a
coffee enema probably work?I have organic coffee. Although I never drink it. It's for my husband.
In the meantime I'm still going to read as much as I can about the gallbladder cleanse.
Many blessings and Happy New Year!