I mentioned my cleanse in the first message - Day 1. I am going to give all details here.
It depends how regular you are. And what you have eaten lately. Even whole grain can stick around and be by-passed sometimes by easily moving items like full fiber veg and fruits. Not to mention meat and dairy are even harder to clean out.
1. So I basically got twice, in 2 separate days, a large smoothie with 8 apples 2 bananas for sweetness, 2 avocado pits, 1 tbsp Spirulina, honey, cinnamon -- and what else you'd like (2 tbsp of flax seed is a good idea). I had this probably during an entire day - it made 1 liter quantity. I followed through to see roughly how long it takes the intense Green color of the Spirulina (may be substituted fir red beat or other intensluy colored produce) to show up. So it took longer than I estimated and
2. I did a
colonic at home with 1 liter (for larger ppl - more than 1 liter) warm water with 1 tsp of
Sea Salt ; the salt-water can be replaced by warm organic coffee (brewed either cold for 8-12-24 hrs, or boiled like Turkish coffee - tutorial on coffee "enemas" are on Youtube) or one can use some herbal infusion. The main thing is to have enough quantity so it gets into the entire colon. For this to happen easily, there is a need for extension of the irrigation tube with a urinary catheter, which can bypass the rectum, such that one doesn't get urge too soon. Usually 20-25
cm are good enough to go beyond the rectum colon. I found through experience that a standing position is second best, and best is bent at 90 degrees forward after the insertion of the catheter with "sucking " the stomach in, so the negative pressure guides the liquid back to the ileocoecal valve on the right. ... Where I felt gurgling under my fingers, so I was pleased to have mastered the process (it was probably my 5-6th procedure so far). One may have an urge for a bowel mvm right away. But it is good to suppress it for a certain time massaging the colon area so things that are stuck get unstuck. I believe I held it only for few seconds the first time (2-3 years ago maybe - before a fast), the last attempt (3-4 days ago) was the best - I was able to hold it maybe 15 minutes, during which I distracted myself by cleaning a bit the slight mess I did in the process and even started a new laundry in the bathroom. This would have ended here, if I was convinced there wasn't anything left in my intestines. I knew there was some left, since my last meal was the same day. Technically I could've done another
colonic into day 2 of fasting when this meal would have ended in the colon, but I decided it is best to get rid of the remaining ASAP.
3. So I had after Locust plant infusion - the same packet cold brewed twice and then 3rd time with boiling water. Basically I had 3 cups of this tea with few hours in between. (This can be replaced by 2 tsp of Magnesium citrate instead of the tea 1-2 cups of water, and a lot of water drank in the next few hours). It worked very very well, and even better due to the cleansing already done. It turned out there was more than one meal remaining to be cleaned up.
I believe now I have nothing left in my small and large intestines at all.
I came to the conclusion that if one doesn't evacuate everything before a fast, unwanted burden
for the system takes place and annoying sensations of stool stuck in there will annoy if not hurt. Plus intoxication resulting of that, bad breath, headache, you name it. I am especially sensitive to such things, since my appendix was removed, and there seem to be some adhesions in that region now with slowed evacuation.
If you decide for it, or some of it, I suggest you try first before the fast to see how you react to such cleanse, such that you don't get enervated right before your fast.
Not to mention, as you say, high fiber intake is also very important at least, in the last few days before the fast.
I haven't done Psyllium too often. Taken with a lot of liquids, I believe it would be a good alternative to the big smoothie I had.
Stay well and in touch,