Recently (last 1-2 weeks) I made a few changes and if you've had similar experiences I'd love to hear about them:
- eating mostly vegan diet with occasional fish or chicken
- taking Tbsp of Gold Coin Grass tincture in morning
- taking 1000 mg Taurine supplement at night
Feeling much, much better just in this period and wondering what's going on.
Also taking liver supplement and krill oil and eating oatmeal most days but that isn't a change. I have not done flushing at this time. I only did mini-flushes before (up to 1/4 cup oil). The oil and juice now irritates me and I seem to have reflux symptoms. I had soreness at the right ribs that has mostly gone away (at a few times in the day I may feel a very faint tightness instead vs. I was feeling sore every hour before).
The main thing I feel or seem to feel is literally this sensation that I have a "bag of rocks" in me, as if I can feel this bag of rocks shift if I shift positions (e.g., when lying down). It is not painful, though, just weird (you probably know what I mean). My other two clues something isn't quite right are reflux symptoms and no dark brown normal BM. But feeling no pain is good.
Not sure to what to do next, e.g., flushing, surgery, continue to wait, etc. Feeling no pain is good but the goal would be totally asymptomatic and back to normal. I have a 3cm stone but if it's asymptomatic that's ok with me. I would not plan to attempt to flush that one nor would I feel I must have it (and the bladder) removed.
If you had very similar experiences of getting better, I would love to hear about them.