I'm a 24 years old male, For the last couple of years i was basically eating only garbage food(Junk-Food), Without any exercise and without a proper body care.
I just didnt care too much about my body..
Six months ago i noticed that i developed so many sympotms because of my unhealthy lifestyle, that includes:
Acne, IBS, Yellow Tongue(mostly on the back), Extreme Fatigue, Bags under the eyes, Red eyes,Constipation, Diharrea and so many more symptoms...
So i decided to take my health in my hands and i started to read online what i can do to improve my health.
So first i changed my diet to a plant based diet(starch solution)
and i came across CureZone because i was looking for a ways to cleanse my body..
I did a colon cleanse with Oxy Powder, i did Intestinal formula 1 and 2 cleanse and i did a 30 day parasite cleanse by humaworm.
I dont really know how poisoned i was and how poisoned i am now
My guess that im pretty poisoned..
I feel much better now,
than i felt six months ago, I really hope that i'll get my health back and be normal again..
If someone could give me more tips for flushing or for cleansing the body i'll really appreciate it!
Im sorry if my english is not that understandable...