Do you think that someone skype hypnotising you could work as well as face to face?
Yes, Even if he was face to face he would put you into a relaxed hypnotic trance where your eyes would be closed.
His voice is the only connection you have to him.
I started out being hypnotized from disks, then after reading books I learned the basics and started making my own tapes that I would play back.
Then realizing that I could do the same from within by just guiding myself into the relaxed trance.
Hope it does what you need.
Hey dragonzelda,
The hypnotherapist said that all he needed was a good skype connection & to be able to see my face.
Yes he probably wants to assess your response to his induction into the hypnotic trance. He can then adjust what he thinks would make it better. Are you in a comfortable position?, Are there any distractions that can be removed, etc? Are you responding?
You can get an idea of what the process is all about by trying out one of the Youtube videos. Some have a trial version to let you get an idea of how it goes, then if you want to continue you can pay for further videos. This also would give you an idea in the difference in cost of the skype call. Just search for [OCD Hypnosis]
Also there is some things that go hand in hand with hypnosis whether some one else does it, or whether you do it yourself.
The main one is to become familiar with visualization. [Imagination] The ability to see your self in your minds eye doing what you are trying to accomplish. Here's an example.There was [He's passed on] a plastic surgeon who could make people look younger physically, but they still acted like they were older than their new look. Here read it for yourself. 2: excerpts psycho-cybernetics:
Whether you do the skype call, try youtube videos, or learn Self hypnosis this is a powerful tool. I suggest you learn SH, you can use it for anything you want to change in your sub concious mind.
If I can help PM me.