I am on the final stretch. I break the fast on Saturday morning with a
Watermelon that has been in my refrigerator for 2 weeks (I hope it is still good).
This fast was very different than my first 8-day fast.
1) The last time, many old memories and emotions came to the front. This time, none of that.
2) But last time, I did not think of food at all. This time, I can ONLY think of food, and all the things I intend to eat over time. Watching YouTube cooking videos may have contributed to this.
I hope my BP stays low. Plus, I hope my renal cyst is gone (MRI on Nov. 1). Since my lipomas and scars have not gone, I am not sure my renal cyst is gone.
I keep reading, including in Dr. Shelton's book, that a fast should continue until 'true hunger', but if that were the case, everyone would have to fast for 21/25/30 days. Surely that is not suitable or necessary for everyone...
I am stick-thin now. I hope I gain the weight back too (I was at my ideal weight before the first fast, but now 40
pounds lighter).