Hi Archus,
We'll see. In the previous fast, BP was down for the first few days, only to rise back as refeeding was completed.
I might interpret that as the cyst having shrunk, and then increased back to the previous size.
I have no real detox symptoms, other than a strange taste in my mouth, so my toxins may not have been that much.
I will look into the kidney cleanse. There are many cleanses out there, and it is confusing.
I have a strange desire for food that I have not eaten in years (meaning that I have not wanted them in years), such as pumpkin pie, chocolate bars like Milky Way and Three Musketeers, Fried Chicken, Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, etc. These of course are not good to eat, and the desire may be gone before the fast ends.
I am down to a gaunt body. I hope the cyst is autolyzed before true hunger returns (which may not be far, given how thin I have become).
I am a bit worried that even this 14-day fast may not cure things. What if a much longer fast is needed? The problem is that I cannot know about the status of the cyst until another MRI.