knowledge seeker
oh that is great happy upcoming birthday..hope it is a wonderful IS a gift as this man knows so much and the experts he interviews are very smart people.
One of them ( a Dr using alternative health) had a pancreatic patient who is still alive like 30 or 40 years later and his fr he trained (Dr Issac) has one who is 13 years out from their death sentence..unfortunately, one of these doctors died a few months ago but he is on the videos still this time. Maybe this was one of his last interviews
With pancreatic cancer only one of 100 survives the first year and of that 1% of survivors who lives only 1% of those live the 2nd year but this guy has someone alive that uncle made it 3 years and that was a feat
Another dr he interviews cured many children with brain cancer Medulloblastoma the most difficult brain cancers there is.
I just saw something on this here;_ylt=A0LEVjG5ThpWZLgA.OAnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTEwcTc4aWkwBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNxc3MtcXJ3?ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=mozilla&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&p=burzynski+brain+cancer&fr2=12642
There will be over 100 people on this series so it will be good, and are very informed. Most everyone will learn something and knowledge is power. He will probably also do a free question and answer period after these end where even more can be learned like he did last time
Make sure you download it as each of the 9 videos will only be up one day and then removed and a new one added after it is over they will offer a pretty expensive package with the raw footage that did not make the documentary cut..I got a package last time for $147..if anyone wants to get that I have a spare set the same as everything you got for half price to help me raise money for my own aggressive cancer at $75 or if someone wants to go in half on this new series as you get a buy one get one free deal let me know,
But you get plenty of info on the free part....I studied alternative health 37 years and also researched extensively when given my death sentence by doctors and still learned a lot..some of the stuff took me 10 years to find.
this man-Ty Bollinger- knows everything and wrote the book cancer step outside the box and he said even he learned things he did not know so well worth anyone's time
thanks for letting me know you singed up and saying thanks..It means a lot as I want people to know here is hope out there and this will save much research time.