I can't seem to get warm and this is my 4th day on the Master-Cleanse has anyone experienced this? I have take a hot bath every day when I get home from work just to warm up. I live in Southern California, it's not that cold here. Anyone??
I have done the cleanse before and am now doing my second one and both times I too have been freezing. I think you're body is working so hard detoxing it can't warm up...just my theory.
California! Getting cold must be just part of the detoxing?
I have gotten cold too. What I do is just make the lemon drinks hot. It helps me to warm up.
Theres a thin line of what is too hot before you destroy the live enzymes in the lemon juice to make the cleanse effective. So just plain saying drink it "hot" is not good advice. Drinking it warm would be more like it. You can drink the Mint tea "hot" so that would be the obvious advice on the Master-Cleanse when one want something "hot".