Hey guys, thanks for responding.
Yea I figure that since I have had a problem with this for such a long time my body needs time to repair itself before it can really tolerate more toxins being released, I just hope it can repair itself while having candida with the right diet but I belive it is the best shot beacuse I feel decent and more relaxed by just avoiding the stuff that feeds the candida and feeling decent and relaxed must be better for healing than feeling super terrible.
And I am thinking not nessesarily that I will only treat it with diet till I get 100% well, I mean I will treat it with diet for some months till hopefully my body can start to handle some probiotics and antifungals.
I don't have a problem with relapsing on sugary things, the pain I've been through wouldn't be worth it one f***ing bit.
I haven't tried grapefruitseed extract but I have read that it is good, I have found lots of things that do kill the candida though so that won't be a problem, I found coconut oil, olive oil, oregano oil, cloves, garlic, onions, curcumin, lemonjuice etc all are killing it quite effectivly.
You say you treated it with diet alone but got it back? Did you quit to soon or did you eat bad to get it back?
Thanks but it isn't specificly probiotics I can't tolerate, it is I can't tolerate the toxins being released from killing candida no matter how I kill it.