Wow.. I just had to share this. The past couple of days I have had a mild but nagging, throbbing headache, a 'jittery' sensation, and intermittent shooting pains in my left kidney. My hands were even shaking today from the jittery-ness, and I really felt just awful.
I had read an article last week on cayenne pepper and what it is capable of, so I decided to make up some cayenne tea and see if it helped. I mixed a little less than a teaspoon in a cup of hot water and drank it down a couple of sips at a time -- my throat was on FIRE lol, but it was sooooo worth it. I started feeling better in under 10 minutes. It's been an hour or so now since I finished the cup, and I feel fantastic.. no headache, no kidney pains, and no jittery-ness, and I feel like I could get up and run a marathon. My mood is better than it has been in weeks, also. This stuff is fantastic!