Story at-a-glance −
He reveals how by selling a 3-DVD video set for $50.
I agree, however that isn't the only good information in the article.
What allopathic medicine has to offer with chemo, etc. is a quick ticket to the cemetary as proven by all the celebrities who were able to afford it and are the only people you hear about.
Anything you read on the internet, or anywhere else still requires you use your intelligence to seperate the BS from the facts.
I knew the minute I clicked on the link and the first thing said was " Be sure your sound is on" That it was going to be at least a 5 minute babble that was not only going to be repetitive for lack of any substance to the subject, but going to cost me money if I continued to listen.
You don't have to act on it as presented, but it can provide food for thought which might be a cue to investigate further.
Such as:
That's just a few with a lot more curing other cancers