Ive been on iodine detox 1 month now.
i did the patch test and noticed it disappeared after like 7-10 hours
i started at 30 mg (I'm taking lugols 12%)
now I'm on 100mg
I just want to ask if i should go up to maybe 200-300mg?
as i haven't got any detox symptoms, only fatigue and a few spots but i can't say for sure its from detox
I started iodine because i had enough of this chronic fatigue I'm demotivated don't know what I'm doing in life. and being tired my whole all the time doesn't help.
i look after myself i keep fit I'm very healthy but i can't seem to kick fatigue.
Im getting 7-8 hours asleep a night (sometimes more) wake up still tired so i don't no whether this detox is keeping me from changing my ways.
I used to be a night owl , lazy guy.
Im trying to keep a good mind-set on this run.
I feel sometimes ill never kick this fatqiue. like I'm in my 20's and I'm struggling with energy like I'm in the prime of my life!!
its still early in the detox i need to give it time i know. but i can't remember the last time i ever felt properly energised and full of life.
Ive gotten blood tests everything is up to scratch
Im taking vitamins on top of Iodine
if any of you long term users could maybe give me tips be much appreciated. thanks