And, when you ask Stuhl for his theory of what caused the jetliner to crash that morning, he will give you the prevailing theory - that a cockpit battle between the hijackers and burly, heroic passengers somehow caused the Boeing 757 to spiral out of control. "There's no doubt in my mind that they did put it down before it got to Washington and caused more damage," he said.
But press the mayor for details, and he will add something surprising.
"I know of two people - I will not mention names - that heard a missile," Stuhl said. "They both live very close, within a couple of hundred yards. . .This one fellow's served in Vietnam and he says he's heard them, and he heard one that day." The mayor adds that based on what he knows about that morning, military F-16 fighter jets were "very, very close."
Most people would agree that shooting down a plane full of hijackers is a good idea. But what is the flight crew had found a remote control system, disabled it, and regained control of the aircraft? Once it landed, their story and the evidence on board would expose the whole 9-11 story as a fabrication, and there is a great motive to shoot down the plane, then concoct the myth of the heroic crew deliberately crashing the plane into the ground.
< Remember that the debris from Flight 93 covered 8 miles of countryside; only possible if the aircraft came apart in midair!