I have been using Johnson and Johnson no more tears baby shampoo the last three days and I can honestly say its helping much more than anything else I've done for this fungal sinus infection. I've tried
Colloidal Silver , grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, xyliotl, all kinds of things, I even have some manuka honey to try if this baby shampoo doesn't completely fix it as well as propolis. But so far I can say my post nasal drip is practically gone and im seeing some strange looking things come out of my sinuses and much more mucoid type "stuff" when I blow my nose after a rinse with the baby shampoo. I literally felt a huge glob drop out the back of my throat and the constant lump in my throat from the post nasal drip seems to be gradually going away. Im going to do this for the two weeks that many online suggest. I hope this works and I hope you try it. It does NOT hurt one bit and I use about 4 drops now in 8
ounces of water with the neil med saline solution. I also use two saline solution packets per 8
ounces and I use all 8
ounces in one nostril then refill and do all 8 ounces with two more saline packets and 4 more drops of the baby shampoo for the other nostril. After each nostril I pinch my nose, bend over forward and put my head between my legs as best as I can for about a minute then stand back up keeping my nose pinched(this whole time I keep my mouth closed so the solution stays I'm my sinuses as opposed to coming out my mouth, I only keep my mouth open when using the actual irrigator so it doesn't put any pressure on my ears) then I release my nose and let it drip and gently blow my nose. Once I do that for both sinuses I so the head dip and pinched nose trick one more time so it washes the sinuses really well then I keep my head down low and turn it to the left and right a few times and hold it then look to the left and blow my nose and look to the right and blow my nose, you will get A LOT of gunk out that way. Then I rinse my mouth and gargle with a no alcohol mouthwash in case any bacteria wants to try and take hold in my mouth, throat or tongue after the sinus rinse. Hope that helps.