Day 11 - First timer.
I have been reading about the sense of smell being enhanced while MCing but not noticing it on myself until last night.
I was preparing a presentation with an acquaintance and he was eating something very yummy (will spare details so as to not to tempt you:-) and I asked him if I could smell it (I hardly know this guy and he thought it a bit odd that I was drinking this lemonade and sniffing his food for nutrition!).
Honestly, I took a nice big whiff and it felt like the whole essence of the food entered through my nostrils. WOW! I have never had such a pronounced sense of smell. I felt like I had a million dollar bionic nose and started sniffing everything around, like a kid with a new toy..
I noticed how artificial his chocolate covered raisins smelled as if they were but one big chemical reaction. I also noticed that my nose was happiest sniffing natural products (the salad he had, the orange he ate, rather than the canned products, which really smelled like chemicals.
Try it out!! It is amazing. I dont want to lose this sense of smell and wonder if the sense of taste is enhanced too? and if this enhancement lasts after the fast? If so, maybe I should look for a new job at customs...
So.. I am on this one more day than the halfway point I have set for myself and it has been hard the last few days. I have been tired so I am guessing I must up the amount of lemonade.. (I have been having 6 glasses) and water.
10 days to go!!!!!!
I want to know.. how have people felt after the fast (ie. after the re-introduction of food)? what are the benefits they noticed?? I think this will help motivate me..
Thanks and keep it up!!!!
Day 11 - First timer.
I have been reading about the sense of smell being enhanced while MCing but not noticing it on myself until last night.
I was preparing a presentation with an acquaintance and he was eating something very yummy (will spare details so as to not to tempt you:-) and I asked him if I could smell it (I hardly know this guy and he thought it a bit odd that I was drinking this lemonade and sniffing his food for nutrition!).
Honestly, I took a nice big whiff and it felt like the whole essence of the food entered through my nostrils. WOW! I have never had such a pronounced sense of smell. I felt like I had a million dollar bioniv nose and started sniffing everything around, like a kid with a new toy..
I noticed how artificial his chocolate covered raisins smelled as if they were but one big chemical reaction. I also noticed that my nose was happiest sniffing natural products (the salad he had, the orange he ate, rather than the canned products, which really smelled like chemicals.
Try it out!! It is amazing. I dont want to use this sense of smell and wonder if the sense of taste is enhanced too? and if this enhancement lasts after the fast? If so, maybe I should look for a new job at customs...
So.. I am on this one more day than the halfway point I have set for myself and it has been hard the last few days. I have been tired so I am guessing I must up the amount of lemonade.. (I have been having 6 glasses) and water.
10 days to go!!!!!!
I want to know.. how have people felt after the fast (ie. after the re-introduction of food)? what are the benefits they noticed?? I think this will help motivate me..
Thanks and keep it up!!!!