So this morning I felt like absolute hell... and it got worse until 10am when I felt like I was going to pass out, was disoriented, very weak, didn't know where I was, nauseated, muscles twitching, and it was hard to speak... thought I was going to collapse.
Went to a walk in clinic and they did a few tests... blood pressure was actually normal... but I went to hospital anyways to get checked over.
Sugar was 58 in the ride there. It was about 11am at that point.. and I hadn't eaten anything yet.
I'm not sure what's going on. I stopped drinking the parsley tea, because it was causing me too pee too many fluids out (I had no idea that I was drinking too much of it)... and have a doctor's appointment in a few days.
No clue what I'm going to do with my meds anymore. Sitting at 5mg Valium and 15mg HC and don't know what to do. I'm very hypoglycemic when I don't eat on schedule and when I do too much activity (like walking, lol)
Should I even bother with the
kidney cleanse right now? Do the herbs keep for a while so that I can save them for months down the road?
Any input welcome. I'm pretty defeated right now.
PS: Electrolytes were normal... but I was dehydrated and the blood
Sugar issues are getting to be severe.
PPS: This is my fitday journal entry for the past like... 10 months.... for easy of prep and because I'm not very reactive to it.