I got a stool test from Genova Diagnostics some months back - and yes it did show inflammation.
Overall the results were the following:
- Mild candida overgrowth
- Extremely low diversity of bacteria
- Inflammation of fecal secretory IgA
- A slight imbalance of beta-glucuronidase (on the higher side)
- Finally, while my overall fecal fat is in the normal range, the triglycerides and cholesterol are very high.
I've heard VeganZyme (the same people who make
Oxypowder ) is quite effective. I might try that.
The cholesterol is high because there's inflammation. Food will always be in the stool when your inflammed so yes, try "super enzymes" that's what I take it breaks down everything.
Your going to have to fix the candida overgrowth and dysbiosis to get rid of inflammation. The SigA is activated because of the candida. SigA fights gut pathogens. Nvr had veganzyme though.