I have had vaginal yeast infections for 2 years, on and off of diflucan for 6-month periods of time and it hasn't worked. So this week I decided to finally attempt the candida diet. I'm serious about it this time and I want to do everything right so that I can get rid of the yeast for good. The problem I'm having now is with my sex life. The yeast infections themselves have obviously affected my sex life with my boyfriend for 2 years, but now that I'm trying so hard to stop the yeast, I think I am scared to have sex again. It's starting to affect our relationship because obviously sex is important but I'm so scared that I'll get another infection that I'm (subconsciously?) trying to avoid him now. Anyone have similar experiences or advice for how to avoid infections after sex to help me relax about the situation? Or should I really not be having sex while on the diet? If that is the case, the diet is supposed to last 1 year and then continue eating consciously for the rest of your life, so if I am not supposed to have sex while on the diet, how long exactly until the risk is gone? I've read that saliva can be the cause of yeast infections, anyone have evidence of this? How do you avoid using saliva during sex? Are there any safe types of lube? I've heard that some types that contain spermicide can kill good bacteria, causing yeast infections. Sorry lots of questions, I guess I'm just so nervous and wish I had more answers! Thanks!
If you keep getting repeat candida vaginal infections you most likely have candida in the colon that keeps traveling to your genitalia. My ex girl and I kept passing the candida back n forth between us. Eventually we ended up sick with a full blown candidaisis syndrome. My advice would be to work on health before sex because u can't have sex if your not healthy. If your trying to maintain a relationship while fixing your issue just use condoms. Also too much Sex depletes the adrenal glands which controls candida in the gut to warn u. But in all, there nothing you can do but heal yourself. If your BF is healthy he probably won't pick up the infection. There isn't much to u can do as long as the infection is in overgrowth form.
Improves libido and ogasm response in men and women alike, is very dessicating to candida (it's directly antifungal), and there are a good deal many more health benefits.
It's one link in a chain of minerals that balance health, so I reccommend you do your homework and research well.
I used it recently on a cat that the vet said she woulda reccommended euthenasia on (the fuungal skin condition was so bad!)
Used it together with:
-nutritious food
-butyrate (byproduct of digestive flora breaking down resistant starch (food fiber), it maintains mucosal membrane integrity and helps fight candidiasis. It improves the production of mucous also, so can be a missing element if you're dependant upon KY jelly. )
-dilute Lugol'sIodine (improves the body's immune reactions across the whole system)
- fat-soluable vitamins (vitamins D3, K2, E, and A)
-epsom and dead Sea Salt s transdermally (soaking)
Candiasis tends to linger in the digestive tract and the lymph system. All the above components help with cleansing those parts.
the gut can be a major factor in the problem, since it usually harbors candida colonies that simply don't wanna let go.
Saponin-rich herbs taken with diatomaceous earth and charcoal powder can be an effective way to shunt 'em out of the body (this mix is one I'm going to be using once my package arrives).
I've used digestive enzyme products to break down the candida colonies (stuff like candex) in the past, but it is quite expensive, and activated charcoal powder is very important to have in the house when using it (dying candidia (called biofilm colonies) releases a ton of trash that makes one feel terrible!)